Terms & Conditions
  1. Pesto relief services is herein after called as PRS.
  2. GENERAL DISINFESTATION (GD SERVICE) :- Covers Cockroaches, Silverfish and Ants (Red and Black)
  3. The customer is required to:
    ln case gel is used (General Disinfestation)
    To ensure that the gel spots are not wiped off in normal cleaning operation.
    ln case of Conventional Spray treatment (General Disinfestation Strong):-
    Keep all plastic, silverware, electronic and electrical gadgets, jari clothes and any other breakable/ valuable articles away in safe custody
    Keep closets open garments covered, switch off air conditioners & fans and close windows / ventilators Leave the premises vacant for about 3 hours after treatment.
    Remove all articles and eatables from cupboards,_dr awers and shelves in the kitchen and keep them Under cover.
    Not to wash shelves, floor etc. On the first day after treatment but wipe them with dry cloth.
    To ensure aged persons/infants & children/persons with allergy/respiratory problem and pets are not preseht when service is carried out and till after 3 hours after treatment has been carried out.
  4. Rodent Control Service (RC SERVICE)- Covers Rat Mice and Bandicoots Only.
    The customer is required to :- Ensure that Bait Station units/glue traps are not disturbed from their original position and waste is not thrown into them.
    Ensure that children, Pets etc are kept away from baits/traps
  5. Termite Control (TC SERVICE) :-
    The customer is required to :-
    Keep all plastic, silverWare, electronic & electrical gadgets, jari cloths and any othe breakable/valuable articles away in safe custody. Provide nominal electricity, water and ladder (if required) for carrying out the treatment. Keep open for ventilation during and after the treatment.
    Shift , in advance, all movable furniture, carpet, minimum 3 feet away from the wall.
    Ensure presence of an electrician at the time of treatment in case electrical conduits/junction box/fitting and concealed wiring area to be treated and to prevent short circuits /accidents, lf plumbing is consealed .
    A plumber should be present. ln case of furniture fixed to the wall a.carpenter should be called to facilate the treatment.
    PRS shall not be held responsible for any inadvertent damage caused due to chemical stains or due to nonavailability of details on concealed wiring/plumbing/telephone cables/piped gas service line or water prooflng layer.
  6. Customer agree to the instruction, terms & conditions for services other those mentioned above, as per the qu0tation letter (including Annexures)
  7. The customer understand that PRS operators have instructions not to handle the customer's property To avoid any inadvertent damage.
    A representative of the customer should be present during the pest management treatment to remove and shift all articles as necessary.
  8. This order-cum-contract is in respect of premises treated and mentioned in this order cum contract only and is neither transferable in respect of any other premises nor applies to any extentions /additions or alterations in the original premises.
  9. PRS shall not be liable for loss,injury or damage to the customer or any occupant visitors to the premises or to any property of any such persons by reason of or as a consequence of the pest management operation and treatment carried out by PRS pursuant to this order-cum-contract.
  10. The customer has understood his/her obligation to ensure that shelter, entry and food are denied to pest as far as possible and to maintain hygenic condition in the premises.
  11. lnterest @18%p.a. shall be payable to PRS in the event of delay in payment over & above the payment terms mentioned earlier.
  12. This order-cum-contract is valid only if full payment, as per the agreed terms of payment, has been received by the PRS
  13. All material and equipment kept by PRS in customer's Premises for carrying out/during service remain the
  14. ln the event order-cum-contract is cancelled by either party or upon expiry,PRS will take back all equipment and other property such as Bait stations etc. from the customer premises.
  15. ln the event contract is cancelled by customer before the agreed item, refund if any, would be made at the sole discretion of PRS.